The Law School of Guangxi Normal University
  • 发布时间:2022-01-02 |
  • 阅读数:815

Guangxi Normal University

Guangxi Normal University (GXNU) is a key provincial university located in the historical tourist city of Guilin. It is co-funded by the Guangxi Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Thanks to its grand history, beautiful campuses, modern teaching methods, advanced teaching philosophy, as well as its emphasis on the Spirit of respecting teachers, pursuing justice, enjoying working and advocating cooperation, the university has grown into a nationally renowned comprehensive university, featuring distinctive teacher education, well-developed basic science and arts disciplines, and active international exchanges.

Law School

The Law School of Guangxi Normal University,which was founded in September 1992,is an important training base for legal talents in southwest China.And it is located in the famous tourist city of Guilin with beautiful scenery.

The law major of our college is a national characteristic specialty construction.We are committed to cultivating law professionals with excellent professional quality and practical ability.The Master of Laws is a first-level discipline authorized by degrees, which sets 10 Master's degree authorized second-level disciplines:Jurisprudence, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Litigation Law, Economic Law, Environmental Law, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Legislation, etc. It is the most widely authorized LL.M. center in Guangxi. At the same time,it has the first point of master's degree in law (professional master) in Guangxi. Under the Marxist law theory and pedagogy, the Law School also recruits doctoral students in the field of law research.


Professional Title

Research Direction

Bachelor's degree

Law Degree

Master degree

Law Degree


Constitutional and Administrative Law

Criminal Law

Civil and Commercial Law

Litigation Law

Economic Law

Environmental Law

International Law

Intellectual Property Law


Juris Master(JM)


Marxist Jurisprudence

Education Law

The law major was rated as the only four-star major in Guangxi law by “The 2015 edition of Chinese University Undergraduate Major Evaluation Report” by The Chinese Universities Alumni Association (CUAA).

Our college has a number of provincial advanced disciplines and teaching &research platforms,including Guangxi Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of College(Guangxi Local Law and Local Governance Research Center)、Guangxi Local Legislative Research Evaluation and Consulting Service Base、Guangxi Intellectual Property Education and Training Base and Guangxi Graduate Creative Talents Joint Training Base.Many organizations are attached to law schools,including Guangxi Law Education Research Association,Guangxi Jurisprudence Research Society, Guangxi International Law Research Society, Guangxi Economic Law Research Society.

The college has library and reference rooms, mock courts, legal clinics, case libraries, physical evidence technology laboratories, multimedia classrooms, student activity rooms and other teaching and research activities. Besides,the college also has an outstanding teaching team which is composed of young and middle-aged teachers.There are 51 full-time teachers, including 19 professors, 16 associate professors, 16 lecturers and teaching assistants, 32 teachers with doctorates, 8 doctoral supervisors, and 34 master supervisors.

The college has its own characteristics and rich research achievements. Currently, teachers are working on 10 national research projects (including 1 major bidding project and 1 key project), 2 international cooperation projects, 20 provincial-level and ministerial-level projects, and 16 horizontal cooperative research projects. In recent years, the faculty has published nearly 40 academic monographs and textbooks and more than 600 papers. Our research achievements have won 2 first prizes, 8 second prizes and 13 third prizes at the provincial and ministerial levels.

At present, there are 908 undergraduates and 435 postgraduates in the law school, including nearly 30 foreign students. It is the main school to train legal talents in Guangxi.

Guangxi Local Law and Local Governance Research Center

Guangxi Local Law and Local Governance Research Center(GLLLGRC) was set up by the Law School of Guangxi Normal University.GLLLGRC,which was established in May 2014, relies on Jurisprudence which is both a national specialty and a key discipline at the provincial level in Guangxi,and integrate the faculty of the university’s related discipline research and experts in Practical Departments.GLLLGRC was confirmed as the key research base of humanities and social sciences in Guangxi's universities and colleges in July 2014.The government allocates 1 million yuan for construction each year.GLLLGRCwas identified as the first batch of characteristic new think tank alliance units in Guangxi in March 2017.

The development goals are clear. The core goal :we will become an influential local governance and local governance research institution in China gradually. We take advantage of talent and discipline, gathering outstanding talents by using high-level scientific research projects, condensing Academic Team by High-performance research process, building a high-end academic platform by research results with high quality, serving the economy and society by high-quality decision-making consultation, carrying out talent training activities of local law and local governance、scientific research、social services.

Core tasks: We tightly focus on national and regional strategies, serving economic and social construction, promoting collaborative innovation across disciplines, departments, schools, and industries. We give full play to GLLLGRC's platform and radiation role,further promoting the development of Guangxi law and related disciplines. We also focus on regional focal point, hot spot, and difficult issues, promptly making policy recommendations to party and government departments at all levels.In addition,we release research perspectives and scientific data to the public in a timely to guide public opinion.

Our scientific research is fruitful. Since its establishment, we have carried out high-quality scientific research around the theme of local governance in Guangxi. We have achieved results in multiple areas: research on the theories of local rule of law and the construction of ethnic legal system, studies on the customary law of ethnic minorities, the research on the local economic legal system, the research on local environmental governance and protection,the research on the reform of ethnic local governments and the construction of local administrative legal system.The team has undertaken a number of high-level scientific research projects ,and published a series of monographs and dissertations, whose reward level and quantity of achievement are high.In the past three years, we have added more than 60 various types of projects, including one major project and one key project of the National Social Science Fund, which achieved a breakthrough in the advanced projects of the Guangxi Legal circles.We have won 2 first prizes, 11 second prizes, and 19 third prizes for Guangxi's outstanding social science results.

The quality of talent training is excellent.In order to train a group of outstanding talents for local governance in Guangxi,we relies on multiple science and education platforms: Guangxi Normal University's relevant doctoral, master's degree programs, as well as jurisprudence which is provincial key disciplines ,the construction of national characteristic specialty of law,etc.We cultivates two doctoral students, more than 50 social science masters and more than 150 professional masters every year.

We actively serve the society. According to the actual construction of Guangxi local rule,GLLLGRC has established Guangxi local legislative research evaluation and consulting service base, Guangxi intellectual property education and training base, Guilin local legislative research evaluation and consulting service base, and Liuzhou local legislative research evaluation and consulting service base.At present, 12 center experts have been appointed as legal advisers or consultants in government agencies and judicial organs at all levels, including the autonomous regional government, autonomous regional high courts, autonomous regionalprocuratorates,Liuzhou municipal government,and Guilin municipal government.Since 2014,GLLLGRC has undertaken 14horizontal projects commissioned by the government and society,and hosted or participated in more than 70 legislative projects.Furthermore,we completed 11 research reports and dozens of consulting services, and participated in 12 demonstration and judicial practice research projects.

We actively participate in academic exchanges.GLLLGRCconducts a large number of academic exchanges by the ways of Scholar visits,academic conferences,collaborative research,forming a strong academic exchange atmosphere.At the same time, it pays attention to the dialogue and exchanges between the academic and practical circles, and has established counterpart cooperative relations with the autonomous regionalPeople's Congress, the autonomous regional legal system office, the Guangxi Higher People's Court, the Guangxi People's Procuratorate, Guilin Intermediate People's Court, and Guilin People's Procuratorate.It has also formed a harmonious two-way communication mechanism with the legislative, judicial, and administrative departments in Guangxi.

Law students are taking oaths,who are members of the 'Little Balance' Volunteer Service. The team has been working on grassroots legal services for nearly a decade.

 Du Jia, a 2011 undergraduate, has participated in CCTV 'Legal Lecture Hall' for 29 episodes as an expert speaker.

 A foreignlaw professor is teaching at law school

 We communicate international education cooperation with American college representatives

We visit the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

 Famous scholars give lectures

 2017 undergraduate students participated in the National Legal Knowledge Competition,who are representatives of  college students in Guangxi.

 Chairman Chen Wu hired Professor Chen Zongbo as legal adviser to the people's government of the autonomous region

 Major projects of National Social Science Fund

 Participate in local legislation

 In 2017, the first law experimental class was established

 Disseminate the law to the rural areas

 Held the pan-pearl river delta forum on cooperation and rule of law

Held the international forum on local rule of law and local governance

National Communications

International academic exchanges are an important part of cultivating high-level innovative talents and an important measure to enhance the competitiveness of scientific research. Our school attaches great importance to the internationalization of education, and actively expands cooperation and exchanges with foreign countries, especially with Southeast Asian countries.

On December 21, 2014,our school visited Laos and Vietnam to discuss the training of teachers and short-term training in the Faculty of Justice.

Visit to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Send gifts

Conference exchange site

On November 26, 2015,a delegation of 10 people led by H.E. Khamsane Souvong, the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, visited our school.

H.E. Khamsane Souvong made a speech

H.E. Khamsane Souvong and the delegation visited our school's 'Into ASEAN' exhibition hall

H.E. Khamsane Souvong and the delegation visited our school's Wangcheng campus

On May 16, 2017,a delegation from the Laos Supreme People's Procuratorate visited our school.

Group photo of Dean Chen Zongbo and the delegation of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Laos

Academic exchange

On November 17, 2018,Vilasith, the Prosecutor General of the central area  Lao Procuratorate, participated in the 2018 International Forum on Local Rule of Law and Local Governance hosted by our college, where he analyzed and introduced the status and experience of the rule of law in Laos.

Vilasith made a speech

Our leaders and  foreign friends attending the meeting

Opening ceremony

On August8,2019,Sartono Hutomo,the Prosecutor General of the High Procuratorate of Lampung, Indonesialed a delegation to visit our college. Chen Zongbo, the dean of our college, attended the exchange event and accompanied him to visit the People's Procuratorate of Guilin, which is a joint training base for graduate students of our college.

The delegation visited the People's Procuratorate of Guilin, which is a joint training base for graduate students of our college.

The delegation had academic exchanges with our college

Guangxi Normal University is the demonstration base for the Ministry of Education to study in China. From 2008 to 2018, it received more than 16,000 international students from more than 60 countries.The law school attaches great importance to the development of international students. Both in study and in life, we constantly strengthen communication and exchanges between teachers and students.  

We continuously improve the training level of international students, and promote the better development of school internationalization.

Impromptu performance of Vietnamese students at Mid-Autumn Festival

Special performance of Thai students in the Mid-Autumn Festival